Monday, September 30, 2024

Me and Kris Kristofferson

 Did I ever tell you about the time I was in a movie with Kris Kristofferson?

It was 1976 (I think), and one of my two college roomates came home announcing that the movie, "Semi Tough", was filming in Dallas and there was an open call for extras.  She knew I had a massive stan for Burt Reynolds (again, it was the 70's, deal with it).  The extras were needed to fill the stands at Cotton Bowl stadium for football game scenes.  That weekend, three excited college girls drove to Dallas to see Burt Reynolds...IN PERSON!

Once we were signed in, along with about 100 other extras, we were herded into the stadium.  Now, if you have ever been on a movie set during filming, you know it's hours of waiting and minutes of actual filming.  After waiting for what seemed forever, the stars of the movie finally arrived on the field.

I was thrilled to see my heartthrob, Burt, jog up to the sidelines, sporting a million dollar smile beneath his sexy mustache, practically oozing charisma...but wait.   Who is this other guy?  Standing next to Burt, I saw Kris Kristofferson for the first time.  Oh.  My.  God!  

I was not prepared for just how beautiful Kris was in the flesh.  Tall and lanky, long, wavy hair falling over crystal blue eyes, squinting in the bright Texas sunshine.  Next to Burt's confident demeanor, smiling and waving to his adoring fans, Kris, at first, appeared shy, a bit uncomfortable with the attention, but once he looked up at the crowd and smiled my heart nearly stopped.  Burt was now forgotten and a new star of my fantasies was born!   See what I did there?  

In the following years, watching Kristofferson's career in music and movies, I still saw that same shy, discomfort in him that I found so endearing that day.  I always saw him as a reluctant star, which made me all the more grateful for his talent.

By the way, if you should decide to treat yourself to a 70's thowback movie night and watch "Semi Tough", you can actually spot us in the crowd.  I had the forethought to wear a bright gold turtleneck and we positioned ourselves behind a big GO MIAMI sign.


P.S.  I am sure my roommates, Cathy and Sheri, will remember the details of this day was a long time ago, so girls, forgive me if I got some things wrong.

Friday, June 21, 2024

One rainy evening in the French Quarter

      It was a drizzly, foggy, evening in New Orleans.  I was walking down Royal Street.  Making my way home from my office downtown to my apartment on St. Philip Street.  The street was virtually deserted and in the fog and dim light, the French Quarter felt like Brigadoon, magically suspended in time and space.

     As I moved down the sidewalk, the Quarter eerily silent, I saw in the distance the figure of a man walking towards me.  I could not make out his features at first, but there was something familiar in his tall, lanky stature and unhurried gait.  The closer he got, his facial features became clear and I realized I was looking into the soulful eyes of actor, Donald Sutherland.  He was wearing a long trenchcoat and a fedora style hat, and as we got closer and closer he never broke eye contact.  We passed one another, exchanging only a wordless, acknowledging nod, then each disappeared into the enveloping dim of the street, two ships passing.

     I've never forgotten that brief exchange with Mr. Sutherland on that foggy evening.  It is crystalized in my memory as it felt as if I had just encountered a mythical creature in the form of one of my most beloved actors.  From Hawkeye Pierce to Mr. Bennett, his epic body of work has been a constant in our movie and television experience.  When I learned of his passing yesterday, I visualized in my mind a view of his back walking away, into the still of that foggy evening, his steps relaxed, hat pulled low, hands in the pockets of his coat, perhaps even softly whistling to himself.