I am missing my dad today. Spring always makes me think of my father. When the flowers burst into bloom and neighborhood gardens and city parks look their best I long to talk to "Daddy". My dad was the director of Parks and Recreation for Austin, TX for many years (and Boulder, CO and Denton, TX before that). We would take long drives around these beautiful towns in the spring and Daddy would proudly point out the parks and gardens to his family. All we had to do is point at a flower, plant or tree and he would tell us its name and, usually, a little fun fact as well. Yesterday, a customer walked into my gallery holding a bloom from one of the plants in the gallery garden, asking me if I knew its name. I did not know. As a landscape architect's daughter spending all that time touring parks you would have thought I would retain some plant knowledge, but, alas, no. If my dad were alive I would have called him and gotten her an answer on the spot. I made millions of those calls to my dad after I left home for college and throughout my adult life. He was not only a great resource for flora and fauna information, he also knew everything about football, cowboys, horses, western movies, and an endless list of trivia. I don't recall ever asking him a question and him answering, "I don't know". I suspect he guessed at some answers, but I never let on...he was my "answer guy" and none could take his place. But, my dad passed away some five years ago and I still don't know the name of this plant. Dear Hearts, if one of you can identify this pretty plant for me I would be oh so grateful.
Yours truly,
Clutter Diva