Monday, April 27, 2020

Isolation Egg Wisdom

The other day my phone beeped with the Instagram of a famous person posting a photograph of a loaf of bread they had baked.  They captioned the photo, "Isolation Loaf".  A few days later, this same person posted a beautiful photo of a pork roast titled "Isolation Roast".  Coincidently, that same day I had boiled a single egg for tuna salad.  Now, full disclosure, I don't really cook much, but, like every properly brought up Southern girl who is expected to bring a lovely plate of deviled eggs to any gathering, I am well versed in the art of boiling the perfect egg.  This egg was perfect, but this egg was not one of a dozen destined to grace my antique deviled egg plate.  This was an "Isolation Egg".  A metaphor not to be ignored.